Clustering using pretrained deep models

MNIST clustering using pretrained ResNet 18 and KMeans.

In this task, you are going to cluster MNIST dataset using a pretrained ResNet 18 model and k-means.

Load the dataset

Load the MNIST dataset bellow. You can use either torchvision.datasets.MNIST or sklearn.datasets.fetch_openml() or any other way to load the dataset. Note that you won't need a validation set.

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Get ResNet 18

Instantiate ResNet 18 model (pretrained on imagenet) from torchvision's model zoo.

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Remove the decider layer

Replace the fc layer of the resnet with an Identity layer so that we use the hidden features of the last layer.

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Cluster the data

Use MiniBatchKMeans to cluster the MNIST dataset in 64 clusters.

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Assign clusters to test set.

Predict cluster for test set samples.

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Draw clusters

Draw 10 random samples per each cluster from the test set.

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